Thursday, May 3, 2012

Cycle 4!

Exciting news, it worked! New babies are born in Box #8, my second experiment trial (using Boxes #5-8) is actually closer to my predicted results than my first trial. The babies found in box #8 are newborn, they are so tiny compare to the ones in box #6, and they are still white, not transparent (as they develop transparent layers and a dark line in the middle of their body when they get older). The comparison mainly lies between box #7 to box #8, with box #8 having an additional encounter with a male for two more hours than the ones in box #7.  The first trial is also going well, with babies appearing in box #4, but interestingly enough, box #3 has no babies. This is the end of the experimental period, even though my results in my first trial and my second trail vary a little bit between each other, I have proven two things: prolonged presence does have an influence on the pregnancy period of the female, secondly, that female pill bugs can still reproduce with no male presence.

Here’s a picture of a baby in box #6 with the parent, compare the size:
The size of one baby is tiny compare to a grown pill bug.

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