Monday, October 17, 2011

Goals for My Internship!

For my internship...

#1 Learn something in depth
To have a deeper understanding on something that I have learnt from my science classes before
#2 Be able to write about what I learn
To write a simple and concise research paper on my internship experience

Characteristics that a successful intern should have:
1. responsible - perform her duties accordingly
2. be punctual and on top of things - be on time for her internship and understand procedures
3. have a positive attitude - always willing and eager to learn new techniques or concepts
4. be ready to face challenges - to accept challenges and always be optimistic about them

1 comment:

  1. Beatrice, I am very excited about your internship work so far. I feel that you are developing an interesting and very individual project.

    Please update this blog to include all of the meetings that we have had so far.

    How have you found your internship so far?

    Is there anything that I should know to improve your experience?
