Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Getting Started!

For the first meeting, I discussed with Mr. Calos about my science internship interests. Before this meeting, I have thought of doing a PCR lab but I backed up and brainstormed more directions for my internship. At the meeting, Mr. Calos and I discussed about possible ideas to do and I mentioned I want to do something that allows me to learn and gain a deeper understanding of what I have learned in class before. I have a high interest in cell biology (about diseases, cell abnormality or genetic problems) as well as medical-related sciences (e.g. cancer tumors). Anatomy and physiology was something that came to mind; and that would involved dissections (something I enjoy a lot). On top of those, I also expressed interest in animal behaviors.  This direction is broad as I am curious to learn different kinds of behaviors such as make decisions of territory, food, inter-organism exchange. For the next meeting, I will research more ideas and read a book on Animal Behavior.

1 comment:

  1. Nice progression of idea here. I can visualize the formation of thoughts in my head! Keep up the great work.
