Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Time to get going!

After reading more about male dominance and reproductive success, I came to the meeting by raising basic internship-related questions. Mr. Calos and I discussed a lot about quantifying reproductive benefits as well as how to track them in a population. We also looked into the example of Drosophila. Drosophila is the scientific name for fruit flies, and the book has specially mentioned this organism to have a unique evolution of gametes. Fruit flies is a species in which males produce oversized sperm that are (when uncoiled) ten times longer than their bodies – the mass of an egg, though, is still vastly greater than the size of a sperm (Alcock, pg322). Sex and gender behaviors were also discussed. In general, we plan to come up with an idea to determine the hypothesis and the experiment itself before Revels. For the next meeting, I will continue reading Alcock’s book and brainstorm about some experiments.

1 comment:

  1. Great detail here. The more that you can add to your posts, the better.
