Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Research and Finish Setup!

From last week’s assignment to look for a reliable published reading, I came across pill bug's “male effect”. The “male-effect” is characterized by a significant shortening period of the pre-parturial intermoult (PPI) during which oocyte maturation spontaneously takes place. The prolonged presence of male along with females is known to boost female reproductive physiology. From the paper, the study resulted in the ideas that the “continuous presence of a male can speed up vitellogenesis and the moulting cycle, so to reduce female PPI by 15-20 day” (177). Results also indicate that the earlier and longer the copulations, the stronger the “male effect” can be. From the published data, a conclusion of “females are adjusting their reproductive physiology according to the presence/absence and the intensity of male mating stimuli” (177) was proven. During this meeting, Mr. Calos ordered pill bugs. I also prepared two tanks (for the convenience after sorting out males and females) in preparation for the bugs to arrive on Friday.

For the full text of the published research article, please visit:

FRANÇOIS LEFEBVRE & YVES CAUBET (2010): Female-extended control over their reproductive investment: the role of early mating interactions on oocyte maturation in the terrestrial crustacean Armadillidium vulgare (Latreille, 1804), Invertebrate Reproduction & Development, 54:4, 177-186.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting blog, Beatrice. You seem to have a great idea in mind.

    What do you see as a difference between their work and yours?
