Thursday, March 29, 2012

Final Preparation!

After confirming that the experimental trial worked, it is time to start. I plan to start off with two experimental sets, hence I will need 8 boxes, 4 boxes for each set. Each box is set up like the pre-experimental trial box, with approximately 280g of soil, 200ml soaked water, a little shelter made by the egg container and a food area shaped by a piece of filter paper (that way, there won't be any molds). I came in late this week to spray 15 times in #1-8 to moist the area in preparation when pill bugs come in next week. I will briefly explain again how #1-8 is used. In #1 and #5, there is the negative control group, female + female. In #2 and #6, there is the positive control group, male + female, which we can expect a second generation. Then #3 and #7 are the treatment 1 group, female + female with periodic interaction with males for once. Last but not least, #4 and #8 are the treatment 2 group, female + female with periodic interaction with males for twice. Once they all come in next week, I will sex them and then the cycle starts!

This is how my experimental set-up is...(cleaner than it usually is)

See the one experimental set on the left - the four piled up boxes.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are well on your way! Nice informational detail, and picture. Be sure to keep close track of all that you do, so that we can make sense of your outcomes!

    If you cannot finish for the poster, try to capture your status at the moment. See me if you have questions about this.
